Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Session 3

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Part 1

This part is based on following roots:-

Intro- --> Inwards
Extro- --> Outwards
Ambi --> Both directions
Verto- --> Latin for ‘to turn’

-ous -------- used in adjectives as in famous, dangerous etc… garrulous,
-ity -------- used in nouns as in simplicity, paucity, scarcity, necessity etc…

Playing around with these words , we get :-

Introvert -> (One whose thoughts are constantly) turned inwards

Extrovert : -> ~ Turned outwards
Ambivert : -> ~ In both directions

More of them :-

‘dexter’ ----- Latin for ‘Right hand’

Right hand signifies skill …it being a right hand and not the left hand ..


Dexterous (Adj.) ------ Skilful
Dexterity (Noun) ------ Skill


Ambidextrous (Adj.) -à both sides (ambi) + dexterous (right hand) = both hands are right hands

So loosely, it would mean à able to use both hands with equal skill.

As discussed above, the noun would have –ity instead of - ous
Ambidexterity …. would be the noun

Traditionally, Right hand has been signifying skill and the left hand----- Evil

Therefore don’t be surprised when ‘sinister’ ----Latin for ‘Left Hand’()

This is not restricted to Latin,

Generally….’Gauche’ implies clumsiness, but don’t be surprised again when ‘Gauche’ in French means ‘Left hand’

‘A Gauche remark’ means – tactless remark

means awkward, clumsy, tactless, embarrassing way of saying things or of handling situations

‘A Gauche person’ is the one totally without finesse….

French for right hand -> droit

Adroit --- like dexterous means skilful…. The adjective

Like dexterity ..we have adroitness .. the noun

Adroit person is opposite of gauche ..
Gauche is opposite of Dexterous.
Dexterous is synonym of adroit..

If you got this far without confusion, you have made it………


Basics : for this part :

Greek root.. Misein --> to hate
Gyne --> women
Anthropos --> mankind
Gamos --> marriage
Andros --> man

Monos --> one
Bi --> two
Polys --> many

Start combining,

Monogamy -> one marriage

Bigamy -> 2 marriages ( only at a time… so if somebody has 1 wife and after some time, the second … he is not a bigamist )

Polygamy --> many marriages
Polygyny --> custom of having more than 1 woman
Polyandry --> custom of having more than 1 man
Anthropology --> study of development of mankind
Philanthropologist --> One who loves mankind


Greek word ‘asketes’ means monk or hermit

‘Ascetic’ is the adjective for people who live like monk or hermit.
He lives austerely, simply ..

The practice is called

C ya around

Gaurav Aggarwal


Blogger Shweta said...

Its a long one, i'm glad Gaurav got this one, anything less than this, and he wouldn't have liked to take it up... Anyway, people please participate here, the one posting should feel like they've done something, it does take some effort. And it would make this more interesting.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Shweta said...

So, any sinister/gauche among us? Or all of us are dexterous?

Gaurav, is Polyandry/polygyny necessarily a custom, or it could be used for anyone having multiple partners?

And phil is a root signifying love, right?

Refer to this link for Greek and Latin roots : http://www.awrsd.org/oak/Library/greek_and_latin_root_words.htm

10:12 PM  

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