Sunday, June 11, 2006

Session 6

Good morning Fellow Gyaanis…:-)
Nothing much to cover in this session… but loads of pronunciations, so you need to revert to the book & give it a read...

1. The Straighteners

o Orthopaedist, by etymology, straightens children (refer root ‘paed-’).

o Orthodontics [orthos (straight) + odontos (tooth)], straightening of teeth.

2. The Heart

o Cardiologist [kardia (heart) + logos (science)…] no explanations required.

o Cardiogram – electronically produced record of the heartbeat.

o Cardiograph – instrument that produces a cardiogram.

trivia : The echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. Using standard ultrasound techniques, two-dimensional slices of the heart can be imaged. The latest ultrasound systems now employ 3D real-time imaging.The standard echocardiogram is also known as a transthoracic echocardiogram, or TTE..

adj. surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart); "coronary arteries"

3. The Nervous system

o Neurologist [Neuron (nerve) + logos (science)…] - the doc who specializes in treatment of ailments pertaining to the nervous system.

o Neuralgia [Neuron (nerve) + alogos (pain)] – Acute pain along nerves & their branches.

o Neuritis – inflammation of the nerves.

o Neurosis [() + -osis (abnormal/diseased condition)]

o Neurotic – both adjectival form & term for a person suffering from neurosis.

4. The Mind

o Psychiatrist [psyche (mind) + iatreia (medical healing)]

o Psychosis [Psyche (soul/mind) + -osis] – a full-blown mental disorder.o Psychotic– both adjectival form & term for a person who has lost contact with reality

o Geriatrics [Geri (Old age) + iatreia (medical healing)].

5. Quick recap
  • logos (science)
  • Neuron (nerve)
  • alogos (pain)
  • itis (inflammation)
  • osis (abnormal/diseased condition)
  • psyche (mind)
  • iatreia (medical healing)
  • Geri (Old age)
6. Some Homework...
1 short para from each member using these roots. Best para to be given a surprise gift...:-)


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