Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Session 12

Session 12

I love gazing at the astrons and wondering at their nomos…

I wish I was an astronomer

I wish I studied more astronomy

But the effort required was astronomical too...

Now for some serious business...

1) Astros --> Stars

2) Nomos --> Arrangement/Law/Order

Now look at how many simple words have their roots in the most wonderous element of the sky….

Astronomy Astronomer Astronomical

Astrology Astrologer Astrological

3) Nautes --> Sailor

Astronaut - Astro(stars) + nautes(sailor) Sailor among the stars

Cosmonaut --> kosmos(universe)+ Nautes(sailor)

4) Aster --> Star shaped flower

Asterisk --> *
Astrophysics --> Branch of physics dealing with heavenly bodies.

Disaster --> NL says in ancient times, something wrong with the stars was considered as the prime reason for any misfortune/calamity… Did this guy never visit India? Or are we ancient?

Disastrous [cheer me up… this session is too bad for trying anything innovative…]


More words relating to Nautes

5) Naus --> Ship

Nautical --> Relating to sailors, ships, navigation
Nausea --> ship-sichness, sea-sickness

Autonomy --> n. immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence

Autonomous --> adj. of persons; free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment (also: independent; ); of political bodies; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state"

Metronome --> n. clicking pendulum indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music

6) Geo --> Earth

Geology - n. a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks
Geometry Geometrician Geometric
George – earth worker, farmer;
n. Christian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a dragon and saved a princess.

Geography Geographer Geographic

7) Bios --> Life

Biology Biologist Biological

Biography --> n. an account of the series of events making up a person's life
Autobiography --> n. a biography of yourself

Biopsy --> n. examination of tissues or liquids from the living body to determine the existence or cause of a disease

Autopsy --> n. an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease

8) Botane --> Plant

Botanist Botany Botanical

9) Zoion --> Animal

Zoologist Zoology Zoological
[Its pronounced as Zu Ologist and not zoo logist]

Zodiac --> A diagram having paths of sun, moon and planets
[The zodiac signs contain latin names of various animals…Who doesn’t know scorpio(scorpion), cancer(crab), taurus(bull), aries(ram???), pisces(fish) and of course the mightiest, brave, unbeatable, royal– LEO.


Ponder over the idea: what if we start writing English roots and words derived from them in a tabular form, I’m sure we can match it with the traditional style of sanskrit; something like….

Rameh Ramou Ramam….

Rama Ramya Ramyamam…..

Alright, you can correct me, I agree I was bad at sanskrit, but that didn’t matter much, my friend who sat right behind me wasn’t all that bad ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay people, first things first, i KNOW i HAVE done a pretty(or should i say ugly) lousy job... Special Thanks to Priyank for helping me in at least making it postable(Had the rest of you seen what i had made, someone would have dug me from this jungle, and beaten me up). You see, i am overworked, such an indispensable resource of the team i work with... But i know i should not be allowed to get away with any excuse, please scold me so that next time i can't gather the courage to come forth with something so muddled up. And i hope noone gets inspired by me.

I'd end with a message i received...

No matter how bad you are...
You're not completely useless...
You can always be used as a bad example.

4:53 AM  

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