Sunday, June 25, 2006

Session 17

1. Knowing

a. Unconscionable – not troubled by conscience, guilt, remorse, etc. over what they have done.

i. Root – scio, to know.

b. Conscience – Knowledge or a moral sense of right or wrong.

i. Roots – sciens, knowing; con-, with, together.

c. Conscious – Knowledge or awareness of one’s emotions or sensations.

d. Science – Systemized knowledge as opposed to faith, belief or intuition.

e. Omniscient – all knowing, possessed of infinite knowledge.

i. Root(s) – omnis, all.

f. Prescience – Knowing events before they actually occur.

i. Roots - pre [before], sciens [knowing]

g. Nescient – not knowing or ignorant.

i. Roots – ne, negative prefix; sciens.

2. Fooling people…

a. Glib – An oldie from England, which means ‘Slippery’. Glib talkers are smooth & slippery in their disposition. They have ready answers, a persuasive air.

i. Word of caution – These people lack conviction & sincerity.

"Glib" is what Tom Cruise called his interviewer, Matt Lauer, on the Today show, when Lauer asked him about his well-known opposition to psychiatric drugs:

"'Matt, Matt, you don't even — you're glib,' Cruise responded. 'You don't even know what Ritalin is. If you start talking about chemical imbalance, you have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories, Matt, OK. That's what I've done.'"

3. Its all about ‘Herds & flocks…‘

a. Egregious –

i. Root – grex, gregis, herd or flock.

b. Gregarious – one who enjoys companionship, likes to be with the herd, is happiest when surrounded with friends.

c. Other roots & words

i. Con [with, together]-gregate:

ii. Se [apart]-gregate:

iii. Ag [to, towards]-gregate:

With the end of session 17, we also come to the end of part-I of the book. And hence before moving any further, let us bask in the glory of reaching thus far. And before any of us strays too far, my friends all of us would be required to take a test from session 18 to test our progress.

Happy reading…!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

please coreect the formatting..

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bhai sahab!!!
Aap please ise theek kijiye.
Yaar ismein formatting supported nahin hai... you should at least see the preview before posting.

You must be typing in word and copying it as-is.
Sir that wont do. Use simple text and do all the formatting in the blog editor.

12:43 AM  

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