Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Session 13

At the outset, one “concept “ ….so to say
Flies, bugs, wasps are segmented creatures – Head, thorax, abdomen
When these parts join, you should imagine their bodies as ‘cut in….’
So insects can be thought of as ‘Cut in’ creatures … and this will form the basis of the session we are into…

This session is based on the following roots


1.) En – (Greek) - in
2.) Tome –(Greek) - a cutting
3.) In - (Latin ) - in
4.) Sectus –(Latin) verb for ‘to cut’
5.) Ek - (greek ‘ec’) out
The latin for the same is ‘ex’

Start the fun….

Combine 1 & 2 …. What to we get reminded of ….

Entomology -> and what should it mean --- > en (in) + tome (cutting) + logos(science) -> Branch of science(zoology) dealing with insects

Adjective -> entomological

Combine 3 & 4, we get 'insect' -> we all know what it means , now we know where t comes from…

Now you must also know that where appendectomy , mastectomy etc……..come from

Interesting word ….

Guess how ‘eccentric’ comes over -> ec (out) + centrum -> meanng out of the center (deviating from the normal in behaviour)

Noun -> eccentricity


More Cuts :

'a' prefixed with other roots makes it negative .. we must know ..
So when 'tome' is prefixed with ‘a’ -> it means ‘ which can't be cut up & the word is 'Atom'.. now you know why it means what it means....

Adjective -> Atomic

More prefixes -> 'Ana' , a Greek prefix has one of the meanings as ‘up’

So you know how
Anatomy is formed which means -> cutting up a plant or animal to determine its structure
Adjective -> Anatomical

Greek prefix ‘Dicha’ (means 2) + tome -> splitting into 2
Dichotomy (noun)
Dichotomize (verb)
Dichotomous thinking -> thinking which divided everything into 2 -> good-bad, holy-evil etc…

Epi (on, upon) + tome -> epitome -> condensation of the whole

Can be used in following forms
-> As an summary, condensation or abridgement of the language …

-> Give me an epitome of the book (Meaning the basic idea)
As an example
She is the epitome of kindness -> She is the representative of kindness.
The verb -> epitomize


Origin of the word "PHILOLOGY"

Logos has so far meant -> science or study

Note down one more meaning -> word or speech

Also 'Philein' (greek)-> means love

So that PHILOLOGY would mean Love of words
Or we know it as something better -> LINGUISTICS


Philein(love) + Anthropos (people) -> Love of mankind

Philein +
andros (male) -> male lovers …loosely means to play around sexually, be promiscuous, or have extramarital relations ….
One who indulges in all this -> philanderer

Philein + sophos (Greek for wise) - > love of wisdom

Surprise …

Philadelphia ..is also derived like this ..

Adelphos ..means brother n greek

So 'Philadelphia' means -> City of brotherly love.. wow ... Manas wouldnt want to stay in such a place for sure... jahaan brotherly love ho sirf....

Philharmonic -> love of music or harmony

Bibliophile -> a book collector …Biblion -> greek for Book

Anglophile -> one who loves British culture, customs, people … Anglus -> Latin for English


'Semantics of your thinking are all wrong…'

'Semantics is an exciting field of study..'

Notice the extra 's' in use of semantics in one of the sentences.... not that it is wrong

Both of them are correct …
When this word is referred as a science .. then it’s a singular word ….

But when used in any other sense.. it’s to be used in plural form…


Socius -> (Latin) -> companion


Socius + logos (Science) -> Sociology

Also you can try finding out the genesis of the following words


2 more ..similar but not the same..

Think of the difference between the two…

Antisocial person actively dislikes people and behaves in ways that are destructive to society
Where as
An asocial person s withdrawn and self-centred, avoids contact with others and feels completely indifferent to interests or welfare of the society ..Bascally, he doesn’t want ot get involved…

Thank heavens .. Thats it ..

C ya around


Blogger Shweta said...

Amazing clarity and arrangement of words... A good one again by our dear Gauri Shankar.

I think epi is an interesting root...
epitaph epidermis, epicenter

Epi is a prefix meaning "on" in the sense of "upon" or it can mean "over" as in "over and above." For example, baros/baroV is "to burden" or "weigh down" so that epibareo/ epibareo means "to burden excessively."
Blepo/Blepo means "to look at" or "to pay attention" and epiblepo/epiblepo is "to pay special attention."

Epi serves thus to intensify the meaning of whatever word it precedes.

Also, visit this link

And Gauri, who do you think would like to visit Philadelphia? Manas won't, but would you? Fight hui hai kya??

Lastly, when will you people break your silence and start posting comments? Mickey, we have not had a single comment from you, kuchh to bol, achha, bura, anything you feel.

11:27 PM  

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