Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hi Gyaanis,

Have you been waiting for session 18? Or you’ve been expecting session 19 here?
Well, neither is gonna happen today. If you’ve cared to look at the book, session 18 is a test which we all must necessarily take. In case someone has already taken it, please post your scores, else please take it latest by today.

So what will this lazy n crazy girl do today? Get away with a rhetoric? I don’t think you’ll let me do that, I could have taken up session 19 today, or tomorrow, but what I’m doing is trying to just list the words we’ve covered till now in a sort of tree to enable you to go through them in case you’ve forgotten any of them. If you think that’s insufficient work, please let me know, I’ll try to take up session 19, or better still, convince you that its not insufficient.

Words --- Important Roots ---- Related words

Personality types

Egoist --- Ego --- Egocentric, egomaniac
Altruist --- Alter --- Altercation, alter ego
Introvert --- verto, intro
Extrovert --- extro
Ambivert --- ambi, dexter, droit --- Ambidextrous, sinister, gauche, adroit
Misanthrope --- Misein, anthropos --- Anthropology, Philanthrope
Misogynist --- Gyne
Misogamist --- Gamos
Ascetic --- Asketes


Gynaecologist --- Gyne, logy
Obstetrician --- obstetrix, ician
Paediatrician --- paidos, iatrea --- Pedagogy, Pedagogue, demagogue
Dermatologist --- derma --- Hypodermic, Epidermis, Taxidermy, Pachyderm, Dermatitis
Ophthalmologist --- opthalmos, logos, oculus --- Oculist, Ocular, Monocle, Binoculars, Inoculate, Optician, Optometrist
Orthopaedist --- orthos --- Orthodontist
Cardiologist --- kardia --- Cardiac, Cardiogram, cardiograph
Neurologist --- neuron --- Neuralgia, Neuritis, Neurosis
Psychatrist --- psyche, osis, iatreia, geras --- Psychosis, psychotic, geriatrics


Psychologist --- pathos, soma --- Psychic, psychopathic, sociopath, psychosomatic
Psychoanalyst --- genesis --- Psychogenic, psychotherapist
Orthodontist --- odontos, peri, endo, ex --- Periodontist, endodontist, exodontist
Optometrist --- opsis, metron, sphygmus --- Sphygmomanometer
Osteopath --- osteon, pathos
Chiropractor --- cheir --- Chirography, chiromancy
Chiropodist --- pons, podos, mancy --- octopus, platypus, podium, tripod, podiatrist
Graphologist --- graphein, kallos, kakos --- calligraphy, cacography
Gerontologist --- geras, senex --- senile, senescent, senate, adoloscent, convalescent, obsoescent, senescence

Science and scientists

Anthropologist --- anthropos
Astronomer --- astron, nomos, nautes --- Astrology, Astonaut, Astrophysics, Autonomy, metronome
Geologist --- geo --- Geometry, geophysics
Biologist --- bios, auto --- Biopsy, autopsy,
Botanist --- botane
Zoologist --- zoion --- zodiac
Entomologist --- en, tome, sectus, ec --- insect, tonsilectomy, appendectomy, mastectomy, hysterectomy, prostatectomy, eccentric, atom, anatomy, dichotomy, epitome
Philologist --- logos, philein --- linguistics, philanderer, philadelphia, philharmonic, philtre, aphrodisiac, bibliophile, anglophile
Sociologist --- socius --- asocial, antisocial

Liars and lying

Notorious --- notus
Consummate --- summus
Incorrigible --- corrigo
Inveterate --- vetus --- veteran
Congenital --- genesis --- geneticist, genealogy, genital, genesis, hereditary
Chronic --- chronos, con --- anachronism, incongruous, chronological, chronometer, synchronize
Pathological --- pathos --- Sympathy, antipathy, apathy, empathy, telepathy
Unconscionable --- con, sci, sciens, ne --- conscience, conscious, omiscient, prescient, nescient,
Egregious --- grex, gregis --- Gregarious, congregate, segregate, aggregate

I must admit its not a very impressive list if you think of how many of these words we already knew, but I think we’ve benefitted by learning their etymologies and related words… Anyone whose not doing the exercises is a fool, just to remind you again, PLEASE DO SESSION 18’s TEST TODAY.

And don't blame me for the bad formatting, it didn't allow tabs and i didn't make an html table... will do that if i get the time.


Blogger Shweta said...

Did anyone take the test?? I mean the session 18 test? PLease post your scores here... I got 101.

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the test..
Got 98...
But i did sessions 13-17 just before that...
and after the test...realised that i had not done session 11..before(the one which starts which 'graphein'..
This I think is gud enuf to move on.

Atleast ..Now i know what i didnt know earlier...

2:14 AM  

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