Monday, July 03, 2006

Session 23

Hey Fellows !!! Here's the session... [the formatting errors were courtesy Mozilla FireFox.]

1) malus – bad [malediction, malefactor, malevolent …]
2) bene – adverbial form of bonus – good [benediction, benefactor, benevolent …]

"The adjective bonus means extra payment theoretically – but not necessarily for some good act. The French connection to this root is ‘bonbon’ meaning good good. "

3) fides – faith or trust [fidelity, bona fide …]
a. bona fide
i. adj. not counterfeit or copied; "an authentic signature"; "a bona fide manuscript";

"an unquestionable antique";
ii. adj. undertaken in good faith; "a bona fide offer"
b. fidelity
i. n. (fidelity vs.
infidelity) the quality of being faithful
ii. n. accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal

4) dico, dictus – to say or tell [dictate, dictation, dictator, predict, dictaphone, contradict]
a. dictaphone
i. n. a tape recorder that records and reproduces dictation

5) facio, factus – to do or make [malefactor, benefactor, factory(-ory, a place where)]

“Fact n Fiction”
-Fact is something done i.e. something that occurs, or exists, or is therefore true.
-Fiction is something made up or invented.

6) manus – to make, by hand [manufacture, manuscript, manual]

7) -fy verbs – clarify, magnify, ‘simplifly’ (tagline for which airlines ??)

8) volo – to wish, to be willing, willingness [malevolent, benevolent, voluntary, volunteer]
a. volition – the act or power of willing or wishing.

9) plac – derived from two related verbs meaning, to please & to sooth, appease.
a. placate (turn from hostile to friendly)
i. v. cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; "She managed to mollify her angry boss"
ii. synonyms -
calm; tranquilize; tranquillize; tranquillize; still; lull; calm down; quiet
b. placatory (mood), placation, implacable, placid, complacent(com-, with, together)]

10) Im- is a respelling of in-, not, before the letter p.

11) dono – to give. [donate, condone (to forgive, pardon or overlook an offence)]

Have a nice day...:-)


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