Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Session 20

Session 20

Disparaging : playing down
'par'> latin -> equal

We all know that these usages ->
Our accomplishments could be below par, at par and above par….
When we disparage, we lower someone’s “par”.. or feeling of equality

Disparagement -> noun
Disparaging -> Adjective
e.g Disparaging remarks

Parity -> Equality
Disparity -> lack of equality or a difference (‘dis’ as in dissatisfaction)
e.g. disparity between rates of growth of infrastructure and that of population….

Disparate -> essential or complete difference

We all know 'Com' means Together, so combining with ‘par -> Compare
You compare objects with equal or similar properties (well..almost )

Pair and peer are also derived from ‘par’
Pair -> things in pair are equal
Peer -> people who are peers are equal to you (in age, designation , position )

Equivocate - > equal + vox, vocis (voice )

Basically, it means … Saying yes and no with equal voice…

Can mean vague, indefinite, and susceptible of contradictory interpretations

Opposite -> Unequivocal

But remember ….

Equivocal is not the same as ambiguous
An equivocal statement is deliberately couched in a language so as to deceive … but an ambiguous statement is accidentally couched in such a language….

Equivocal -> purposely ambiguous

'Ambi' ..we already know means.. Both …
Therefore, an ambiguous statement will both have one meaning and the other meaning….

Ambiguity -> the noun

Another statement which contains the possibility of two interpretations -> ‘double entendre’ literally means -> “double meaning” in French…..

C ya around...


Blogger Shweta said...

What is the correct usage of disparity? Is it always disparity between 2 things or it could be diparity in/of etc?

Also, Gauri, just list down all words of session 19 so that we know what was covered in it, and will be elaborated in next sessions...

2:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can be disparity in too.. such as disparity in incomes.
Or the disparity in IQ levels in this blog, ranging from 140 (Yours truly) to negative (let them be unnamed).

Disparity of i don't know... will think about it.

4:33 AM  

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