Monday, July 03, 2006

Session 24

Finally!! some nice, new words. I like this session, though again, we know half of them already, but this time the glass is at least half empty(or hazy), lets start filling it...

Taciturn - These people simply don't like to talk, and whats more, don't like to listen either. Least interested in any kind of conversations, they give you an impression of distance and seriousness. Do you think former PM of India, Narsimha Rao, was such a person? I'm not sure, may be he was listening intently all the time. They are NOT shy, just habitually silent.

Laconic - Easy one, these people are very brief and to the point. The anecdote given in NL is a nice one. Laconic people usually give a response so curt as to be almost rude. Succinct/concise.

Inarticulate - They want to say a lot, are overflowing with some emotion, but end up spluttering words and thus sounding dumb, faltering, blurred and incomprehensible. I think this is not something which is a characterstic of any person, but it is a situational occurance.

Garrulous - They talk excessively, tirelessly(but often tiresomely for the listener). You can call up our dear Komal at 1 am and 'experience' the meaning of this word. Harshal, don't mind, we love her too :)

Banal - YaWn$$$ Do i need to explain this? Cliche/unoriginal/humourless souls.

Verbose - Wordy people, exact opposites of laconic people. Repetitious, will say everything in a long-winded manner, close to bombastic and rhetorical. Ever had the opportunity of visiting our TPO Mr. Basu's room?

Voluble - Rapid, fluent talkers, they can twist and turn converstaions with such ease that you just listen with amazement. Undoubtedly a word that describes the king of sense and nonsense alike, Shaleen.

Cogent - They talk persuasively, give logical, potent arguments and have the power to influence. Ultimately convincing you to believe or do what they want. The most desirable quality of an Insurance agent.

Vociferous - Offensively loud, noisy, clamorous, vehement people. Oppositions by a vociferous mob can make kings bow to the demands or governments rethink their strategies(unless of course, the government is Indian, and the ruling party is the divine INC).

Loquacious - They too talk a lot, and the speciality of their speech lies in the quantity and continuity. They can be voluble, vociferous, garrulous and verbose but NOT inarticulate, taciturn or laconic. Always keen to blab and disclose secrets.

It's interesting how easily NL provides us distinct meanings of these words. If you see their meanings online, most of them will be given as just synonyms of each other.


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