Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Session 30

"Good Morning" gyaaanis...

Session 30

At the outset,
Some roots :


a.) frater : brother
b.) uxor : wife
c.) soror : sister
d.) mariter :husband

Usage :

Fraternize : to have a brotherly relationship
Maybe used to imply 'social intercourse between people inclusive of sex '
May also imply 'social relationship with subordinate in an organization'
Noun : fraternity -> brotherhood or guild
e.g medical fraternity
financial fraternity

Fraternal : brotherly, also refers to non identical twins

Sorority : women’s organization

uxorious : describes a man who excessively, even absurdly caters to, worships and submits to the most outrageous demand of his wife because of his own fear or weakness

uxorial : pertaining to,characteristico of, befitting a wife
e.g uxorial duties,privileges, attitude

marital : referring to a husband
includes marriage relationship of both the husband and wife
e.g extramarital affair : outside the marriage relationship
premarital sex :

rex, Regis
-> Latin-> king
e.g. Tyrannosaurus Rex -> king of dinosaurs

Derived words
Regal : royal
e.g. regal mansion
regal reception
Noun -> regality

Regalia : Plural noun -> Literally and in olden days, referred to emblems or insignia or dress of a king
Now, it refers to any impressively formal clothes
or Decoration, insignia or uniform of a rank, position or an office
e.g. The 5 Star general appeared in full regalia



a.) Monomaniac ( 'monos' (single) + maniac) -> obsession to any single particular thing

Noun for the 'obsession' -> Monomania
Adjective -> monomaniacal

b.) Dipsomania -> morbid compulsion to absorb alcoholic beverages

'Dipsa' means thirst
Reason for the "mania" : May not be caused by anxiety or frustrations but by a metabolic or physiological disorder

Adjective : dipsomaniacal

c.) Kleptomania : morbid compulsion to steal, not from any economic motive, but simply because urge to take another’s possessions is irresistible

d.) pyros : fire
incendo/incensus : to set fire
ardo/arsus : to burn

Playing around, we get
pyromania : compulsion to start fires
incendiarism : malicious and deliberate burning of another’s property
arson : burning for money

Pyromaniac : sets fire to property for the thrill
Incendiary : burns for revenge
Arsonist : burns for money

e.) Megalomania ->Megas (great) + mania -> morbid compulsion of grandeur, power, importance godliness
e.g. : Hitler, Alexander the great have been called megalomaniacs

f.) Nymphomania : morbid, incessant uncontrollable and intense desire on the part of female for sexual intercourse
e.g. -> ?

g.) Satyromania : Male nymphomaniac to say
e.g. -> ?

Derived from
Satyr : greek god, notorious for lechery


Morbid repulsions to certain conditions, things

Claustrophobia -> Dread of being physically hemmed in, of enclosed spaces

Derived from :
claustrum : Enclosed spaces

Claustrophobic : Adjective
Claustrophobe : Person

Agarophobic : Dread of open spaces
These people prefer to stay shut up in their homes

Derived from :
agora : Market place

Acrophobic : High places

Derived from
akros : highest

C ya around


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ye apna blog to adult rated banta jaa raha hai. Do you think we should insert a warning?

Anyway, i think i have the perfect examples for Gaurav's words, ie. Udita Goswami and Emraan Hashmi who, for the sake of god knows what element of Bollywood, manage to permanently look like Nymphomaniac and Satyromaniac respectively.

12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

2:09 AM  

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