Sunday, July 09, 2006

Session 27

1. Front and Back

Ventriloquist has been covered in a previous session. So I'm ignoring
it here.
Venter,ventris means belly. Ventralside is the front, belly side. Ventricle builds upon venter. It refers to a hollow cavity within a heart. I don't believe we would benefit by going into the biology of it all, so am just providing the link for interested folks.

Auricle is named so coz it is ear-shaped(auris: ear). Auricles provide
the blood to the ventricles.

2. Uncles

Avunculus is latin for uncle leading to avuncular. Uncles carry with them the tag of being protective, indulgent, kind and many other positive traits. So anyone displaying such characteristics is avuncular.

Dorsal is the opposite of ventral side. The dorsal side is the back side, deriving from 'dorsum' which further leads to endorse.To endorse is to back something i.e. you approve of the idea and are ready to endorse an idea, plan whatever.

3. Thunderous noises

Vociferous(vox,vocis: voice + fero: to bear, carry). The Indian cricket team has a lot of vociferous supporters no matter where it plays. They are loud, vehement, shouting.

4. Sleep baby sleep

Somnus - sleep.

Somniferous(somnus + fero): bringing sleep. I, for one, attended a lot of somniferous lectures in college.

Combine the negative connotation carrying 'in' with somnus and we get Insomnia, the infamous disease(?) wherein a person is incapable of sleeping when sleep is required or necessary. Last heard, Harshal Mehra has become an insomniac.

Somnabulism(somnus + ambulo: to walk) - To walk in one's sleep, sleep-walking.

Sopar is another latin word for sleep. A soporific speaker is bound to put his audience to sleep by his dull, uninteresting style of delivery.

5. A Walkway

Ambulatory patients are fit enough to walk around in hospital, home etc.

A perambulator is a baby carriage for walking an infant around in streets. Famously called pram.

To amble is to roam around without an objective in mind, aimlessly.

To perambulate is to stroll around, like in a garden or so.

Interesting: Ambulance was so named coz it initially composed of two stretcher bearers who walked off the war zone with the wounded soldier.

Etymologically, Preamble means something that 'walks before'.. So a preamble has come to mean a sort of prologue to a speech, a preamble to a speech.. Or maybe I could say that the national anthems of the nations being played before a football game are a preamble to the game

6. Noun Suffixes

Inarticulate derives from negative 'in' and 'articulus': latin for joint. An articulate speaker can speak fluently without stammering i.e. he has no problems at all connecting or joining words. On the other end of the spectrum are inarticulate people who have trouble joining words

NL informs us that the suffix -ness can be added to any adjective to form the noun form.

Also, -ity is another noun suffix added to adjectives. Say for example humid ka noun form is humidity.

-ness and -ity are noun suffixes added to adjectives whereas -ion is a noun suffix attached to verbs( benediction, articulation etc).

That's all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

2:09 AM  

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