Sunday, July 16, 2006

Session 31

1. Show some reverence yaar

The iconoclast has a questioning, condescending view of society's traditions and conventions. He sneers at long accepted beliefs, our revered traditions and thinks of stereotypical thinking as myths. An aggressive believer in his convictions at that. Adolescence is that unsure period of one's life when one feels confused and has that feeling of 'rebel without a cause'. The roots are (eikon: a religious image + klaein: to break).

2. God or no god???

Atheist(a: negative + theos: God). Here NL tells us that we should differentiate between the atheist and the agnostic. Whereas the atheist rejects the possibilty of the existence of God outrightly, The agnostic simply believes that He may or may not exist and that we, mere mortals, can never actually come to a definite conclusion about His existence coz of lack of adequate proof. Agnosticism holds that God is unknowable.

3. Kaise pata karein??

Agnostic(a: negative + gnostos: known). An agnostic claims that all but material phenomena is unknown.
Now to the crux of this sub-topic. Simply put, what's the difference between diagnosis and prognosis?
Diagnosis builds upon gnosis: knowledge and dia: through. Hence it means coming to know through testing, examination etc. Prognosis is the knowing beforehand and hence a prediction. Prognosis is most commonly used for prediction as to the course of a disease. If you are a patient the doctor will take various tests etc to come to a conclusion as to what disease you are ailing of. That is diagnosis. Like suppose If He comes to believe through tests that you are a diabetic, then he has diagnosed that. A prediction like "If you take insulin and watch your diet, you'll be as good as new" is a prognosis.
Also you have a lot of diagnostic tests that help you know where your knowledge stands in a particular field. These tests help the teachers make a decision as to what steps to take just as in the medical field the doctors rely on diagnosis to decide which treatment to prescribe.

4. Closer my Lord to thee, closer to thee..

Some words having prabhu ka naam are(I mean theos: God)-

a. Monotheism( Monos: one + theos)- Belief in One God.
b. Polytheism- Belief in many Gods like inancient Greece or Rome.
c. Pantheism(pan: all + theos)- Belief that God is not in man's image but is a combination of all forces of nature.
d. Theology(logos: science + theos)- Study of God and religion.

5. Of sex and the tongue

Lecher derives from French lechier meaning 'to lick'. Lecherous has many synonyms starting with the letter 'l', rsulting in a sound formed with the tongue, the seat of sensation.

a. Libidinous- from libido, pleasure.
b. lascivious- from lascivia, wantonness.
c. lubricious- from lubricus, the same root found in lubricate. lubricus indicates slippery. d. lewd- from lewed, bole to vile.
e. lust- from a word meaning pleasure, desire.

All these words just mentioned indicate sexual desire and/or activity. Dont need to inform that the implications of using these is more or less derogatory.

6. Of sex and the itch

Prurient derives from Latin prurio, to itch, to long for. Used to indicate someone who is forever filled with great sexual curiosity, desire, longing etc.
Ever had that longing to just scratch and scratch your skin coz you're feeling too itchy that results in a rash? well then you just experienced Pruritis, that's the medical name of the condition.

7. Under and Over

Hypochondria(hypos: under + chondros: the cartilage of the breastbone). Sounds ajeeb sa? Well under the breastbone is the abdomen which the ancient Greeks believed to be the seat of all anxious feelings and a hypochondriac is morbidly, terribly and forever anxious about his
Hypos matlab under. The hypodermic needle penetrates under the skin. Hypotension is abnormally low blood pressure. And so on and so forth.
Hyper bole to over. Hypercritical matlab jo bohot fault finding type banda ho. In my unfortunate case, that happens to be someone at IIMA. Hypertension is high blood pressure. Other words using hyper are hyperactive, hypersensitive etc.


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