Sunday, July 16, 2006

Session 32

10 adjectives to show wholehearted Approval

1) Convivial - adj. occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company; "a convivial atmosphere at the reunion"; "a woman of convivial nature"; "he was a real good-time Charlie" (also: sociable;

2) Indefatigable – Powerhouse of energy, these folks are able to squeeze in more work in their 24 hours than other mortals. Their high energy levels reault from a healthy body, from psychological balance, lack of conflicts & insecurities.

3) Ingenuous – Pleasingly frank, void of any artificiality, these people are so honest and aboveboard that they can scarcely conceive any trickery, chicanery.

4) Perspicacious – This category of less mortals has what may be termed as ‘razor sharp’ mind [aka ability to reason out complex problems with ease.]

5) Magnanimous – the big-hearted lot; and before your mind strays to prospective diseases for such people, it would be to better to term them as the ‘most generous’. These souls do not harbour resentment, petty grudges or waste energy on retaliation.

6) Versatile – Now this is pretty interesting. Until now I thought a versatile person was one who could fit the bill of ‘Jack of all Trades…’ but I was wrong. A versatile person is one who has proficiency in the various facets of a particular field, be it arts, music, etc. For instance, a versatile musician would be able to play a saxophone, drums, guitar, piano [now, this is asking too much from the poor fellow…J]. Basically, I guess you got the hang of it.

7) Stoical - Superhuman, is it!!! They bear troubles bravely, never ask for sympathy, never knell to sorrow, never wince at pain.

8) Intrepid – Strangers to fear, these brave hearts are audacious, dauntless; often contemptuous of danger and hardship.

9) Scintillating – witty, clever, delightful & naturally brilliant & entertaining conversationalists.

10) Urbane – They are cultivated [as in grown in some place???], poised, tactful, socially so sophisticated and courteous, that they are home in any group, at ease under all social circumstances of social intercourse. You cannot help admiring their smoothness and self-assurance, their tact and congeniality.

Before the end of the session, I would like all of you, Gyaanis to choose one word among these which best describes you as well as the rest of us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will start with all of you first.

Manas - Stoic coz he is the man from Pluto... Superhuman stuff.

Shweta - Scintillating coz very few can beat her on her wits...

Harshal - Perspicacious. I am putting this one here coz I guess Mickey would automatically fall under the same category.

Gaurav - Convivial & Ingenuous. May be a mix of both.

And finally me, the last one suits me well...Urbane.

2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will start with all of you first.

Manas - Stoic coz he is the man from Pluto... Superhuman stuff.

Shweta - Scintillating coz very few can beat her on her wits...

Harshal - Perspicacious. I am putting this one here coz I guess Mickey would automatically fall under the same category.

Gaurav - Convivial & Ingenuous. May be a mix of both.

And finally me, the last one suits me well...Urbane.

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

2:09 AM  

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