Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Session 33

Vivo – to live
Vita – life

Words from vivo

Convivo – live together
Convivium – feast or banquet
Convivial – someone who likes to attend feasts/dinners etc. No, not for the free food, but for the social enjoyment.
Vivacious – Full of life, joyful, merry. N. vivacity, vivaciousness
Vivid – possesing the freshness of life, lively.
I think vivacious is used mostly as a character trait, and vivid is used to describe inanimate things like colors, imagination, emotions etc.
Revive – Bring back to life
Vivisection – vivo _ sect(to cut) – Operating on a live animal for experimental purposes. Pople who oppose it – Antivivisectionists
Viviparious – vivo + pareto(parents) – Producing live babies, like humans and other mammals.
On the other hand are Oviparous ( ovuum(egg) + pareto), who lay eggs from which their young ones are produced.

Words from vita

Vital, revitalize, devitalize, vitamin – I don’t see the need to explain any of these.

French phrases

Joie de vivre [French : joie, joy + de, of + vivre, to live, living.]

The enjoyment of living, free from cares
Example : She will be remembered above all for her kindness and her great joie de vivre.

If you search this phrase in google, you will find a lot of organizations/ groups or even showrooms named joie de vivre. In India, schools or other institutions often pick up French phrases to name their ballets/annual events. So, this might have been the name of one of your annual day events in which you could be playing a rabbit behind a tree.

Bon vivant [French : bon, good + vivant, present participle of vivre, to live.]

[noun] a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink). This is someone who is always lavish in things he does. Won't be used for a poor man who lives happily, but only for a rich man who lives life, kingsize. Unlikely to be used for women.
Synonyms: epicure, gourmet, gastronome, epicurean, foodie

Joie de vivre is probably an attitude, bon vivant a person's way of living.

Hungry kya?

Gourmand – Someone who enjoys food, has taste for rare delicacies, takes pleasure in enjoying and discovering new dishes. Has a very positive connotation, carries a certain class with it, a complementary term. If you have read Vir Sanghvi’s articles in HT’s Sunday supplement, Brunch, you know the perfect example. His interest and knowledge about foods and drinks is remarkable. A dilittante, should I say?

Gormandize – Stuff oneself like a pig.

Glutton – A derogatory term, used for voracious eaters, people who eat up without purpose, but eat a LOT.

I know who you night be thinking about. It can be said that Duggi’s reputation fell from being known to be a gormandizer to a Glutton.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

2:09 AM  

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