Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Session 34

Session 34


Indefatigable’ is derived as =
in-(Negative prefix) + fatigue + -able (able to be) -> unable to be fatigued

Noun -> 'indefatigability'


'Ingenuous' -------- is complimentary where as its synonyms such as -> 'naïve', 'gullible', 'credulous' are faintly derogatory

It means-> frank, open, artless
-> not likely to try to put anything over on you

Noun-> ingenuousness

Not to be confused with ‘Ingenious
which means -> shrewd, clever, and inventive

Noun for Ingenious -> ingenuity

Now we look at the other side of the coin, the negative -:

'dis-'(Negative prefix in 'dissatisfied') + ingenuous-> Disingenuous -> not frank or open
But wait….. theres more to this word than just this….

It means all the above + crafty, cunning, dishonest, artful, insincere, untrustworthy etc….
And all this while making a pretence of being simple, frank and aboveboard

Noun -> Disingenuousness


Naïve -> to imply that somebody has not learned the ways of the world
-> idealistic and trusting beyond the point of safety

Noun -> ‘Naivety


Gullible -> Easily tricked, fooled or imposed on
Noun -> gullibility


Credulous -> Willingness to believe almost anything, no matter how fantastic

Noun -> Credulity

Comes from
Credo’ -> Latin -> to believe

Same as in ‘Credit
e.g.: If people believe in your honesty, they will extend credit to you

- ous -> full of -> as in famous, monstrous

Adding them we get

Credulous -> Full of believing

Other words :
Credible => Credo + -able(can be)
Usage : Something credible can be believed

Noun : Credibility

More usage of the root and examples :
Credulous listeners -> fully believe what they hear

Credible story -> One that can be believed

Incredulous attitude -> Attitude of skepticism

Incredible story -> Unbelievable story

Incredible characters -> So unusual characters that you cant believe that they exist
Noun-> Incredibility

Credo also lends its meaning to the following words

Credo -- -> Personal belief, code of ethics
Creed -- -> A religious belief such as Catholicism, Judaism, Protestantism
Credence -- -> belief as in “I place no credence in his stories”
Credentials -- -> Document proving a person’s right to a title or privilege

Thats it ! !

C ya around


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

2:09 AM  

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