Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Session 35

Hello people... I am back

How to Look

Root - specto : to look
We have spectacle, spectator, inspect, retrospect, prospect.
A variant root, spic- is used in conspicuous, perspicacious, perspicuous.

Prefix per- means through, so perspicacious means looking through keenly, intelligently.
Noun- perspicacity
Syn - acumen : Root- acuo, to sharpen. The word, as you all know, means mental keenness, sharpness, keen insight.


acuo- to sharpen
We have acute (acute pain, acute reasoning), acupuncture
Noun- acuteness/acuity

Acupuncture- acuo + punctus, point.
When you punctuate a sentence, you put various points (full stops, commas etc.)
Then lightning punctuates the storm, or silence is punctuated by a loud shriek.

Being punctual means being right on the point of time.
Punctilious means to be exact, scrupulous, very careful to observe the proper points of behaviour, procedure etc.
And we all know what puncturing a flat trye or someone's ego means.

Another root- pungo, to pierce sharply
A pungent smell, taste.
A pungent wit pierces one's sense of humour.

Some more looking

Perspicacious vs Perspicuous

Perspicacious means smart, sharp, able to look through and understand quicly. This adjective applies to persons, their reasoning, minds etc.
Perspicuous means easily understood from one look, i.e clearly expressed, easy to understand.
It applies to writing, style, books and things that we understand.... perspicuous style of writing is easily understood.
Syn- simple, lucid.
Noun- perspicuity or perspicuousness

Back to the tamasha, i.e, spectacle... something to look at
Nad we have spectacles and spectacular.
Spectator jo tamasha dekhta hai
Inspect is looking into something
Retrospect is backward look... My experiences seem more enjoyable in restrospect than in actuality.
Root retro- backward
Retro numbers matlab puraane gaane... bahut baar FM pe suna hoga
Prospect - forward look... I dont need to explain this
Prefix pro- means forward, ahead , before.

If you enjoy looking at yourself. then you like to examine your mental processes and emotional reactions, crudely characterstic of an introvert.
So when you introspect, you look inwards and examine your inner reactions, and analyse yourself, your character, actions etc.
Thodi philosophy jhaad deta hoon, courtesy NL of course.
Too much introspection may lead to unhappiness or to depressing thoughts or feelings of anxiety. Few people have the courage to see themselves as they really are.

Then there are times when you have to look around most carefully, you must be circumspect- watchful, cautious, alert.
You have to be really circumspect while attempting the CAT, it might spring a surprise any time, so be ready...
Noun- circumspection or circumspectness.

If something looks good or sensible, but actually is not, we call it specious.
A specious argument sounds plausible, but in reality is based on an error, a fallacy, or an untruth.
Remember syllogisms?
Noun- speciousness

Record timing- completed in 30 mins flat.

....applause, applause....
After 30 mins,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats some record!! I won't like to comment on the originality(or the lack of it) though. Do- tin spelling mishtakes kar din apne jaldi mein. Aur haan, i'm not sure about the correctness of this example... 'You have to be really circumspect while attempting the CAT, it might spring a surprise any time, so be ready...'. I think the surprise won't come 'while' attempting the paper. And you better don't circumspect, as in, look around while taking it, else you might just land up outside the examination hall.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aapki originality originality... aur meri originality kucch nahin?

Waise i had checked for spelling mistakes... excuse me for my hurriedness.
No i dont mean look around... i mean be cautious and alert... dont take anything for granted... be alert and active and you all will do well.

3:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arre its okay, i was just pulling your leg. But i really don't think that circumspect will take the meaning of being alert and active in the sense that you mean, i think its about being aware of the things happening immediately around you. Like peoples' activities, what a place looks like etc.

3:10 AM  

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