Sunday, July 23, 2006

Session 37

A quick revision before the test

Pusillanimity – pettiness
n. cowardliness, timidity, fearfulness
n. contemptible fearfulness

Trepidation - fear
n. trembling movement

Spleen / spite
n. a feeling of resentful anger

n. malice, malevolence, ill-will; resentment, animosity, grudge
v. act maliciously toward another, be nasty, vent anger on; annoy, intentionally irritate

n. A very small amount
n. iota, trace, small particle; spark, flicker

v. shine, sparkle, glow; produce sparks, give off sparks
To be witty

n. the quality of glittering or sparkling brightly
n. a rapid change in brightness

Circumspection - Care, cautiousness, Prudence

n. living area beyond the periphery of a city, community beyond the suburbs

Animus- ill will
n. a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
n. animosity; resentment; hostility;

Rustic - Coutrified; crude
adj. awkwardly simple and provincial; "bumpkinly country boys"; "rustic farmers";
adj. characteristic of rural life; "countrified clothes"; "rustic awkwardness

v. live in the country and lead a rustic life
v. suspend temporarily from college or university

n. keenness of perception; comprehensiveness, being able to understand quickly
n. intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)

n. clarity of expression; clearness, transparency

adj. loutish, coarse, ill-bred, uncivilized, ill-mannered
adj. coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; "was boorish and insensitive"

Keep up the pace...!!!


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