Monday, July 24, 2006

Session 38

Hi Gyaanis,

Good news is that, we have reached the end of section II of NL, just in case someone hasn't noticed. So, please open that fat red thing, and take the test in session 38. Do post your scores here. I will populate a tree similar to the one i did for session 18, and post it soon. Since noone gave me their comments the first time, whether the tree was a futile exercise or a helpful one, i am going with my own opinion on the matter, that it isn't futile.


Disparage – par – parity, disparity, disparate, compare, peer, pairs
Equivocate – aequus(equ), vox(vocis) – unequivocal, double entendre, equity, inequity, iniquity, (nox, noctis)equinox, nocturnal, nocturne, equanimity, equability, equilibrium, equilibrist, (equus)Equestrian, equestrienne, equine, vociferous
Titillate --
Adulate --
Proscribing – pro, scribo, scriptus – Manuscript, Scriptures, subscribe, inscribe, postscript
Obviate – via - trivial
Militate – militis – militant, military, militia
Maligning – malus, mal – malignant, malediction, maleficent, maladroit, malaise, malicious, malice, malady, maladjusted, malcontent –X- bonus, bene – benign, benignant, benediction, bonus, bonbon, (fides)bona fide, fidelity, infidel, (dictus) dictate, dictaphone, contradict, (facio, factus) malefactor, benefactor, beneficiary, factory, fiction, artificial, (volo) malevolent, benevolent, voluntary, volition
Condone – dono – donor
Placate – plac – implacable, placid, complacent

Various Speech habits

Taciturn – taceo – tacit, reticent
Laconic – laconia - laconism
Inarticulate – in, articulus - articulation
Garrulous – garrio - garrulity
Banal - -
Verbose – verbum – verbal, verbiage
Voluble – volvo – revolve, revolution, involve, evolve
Cogent – cogo -
Vociferous – vox, vocis, fero – (somnus)somniferous, insomnia, (ambula)somnambulist, ambulatory, perambulator, preamble, (sopar) soporific
Loquacious - loquor – soliloquy, colloquial, circumlocution, eloquent, magniloquent, grandiloquent, (magnus) magnanimous, magnate, magnify, magnificent, magnum, (opus)magnum opus, opera, (venter, ventris)ventriloquist, ventricle, auricle, avuncular, (dorsum)dorsal, endorse

Insult your enemies

Martinet –Jean Martinet -
Sycophant – sykon, phanein - diaphanous
Dilettante – dilittare – tyro
Virago – vir -
Chauvinist – Nicolas Chauvin – patriotic, patricide, matricide etc
Monomaniac – monos, mania – dipsomania, kleptomania, pyromania, megalomania, nymphomania, satyromania –X- phobias – claustrophobia, agoraphobia, acrophobia
Iconoclast – eikon, klaein -
Atheist – theos – monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, theology, (gnostos) agnostic, diagnosis, prognosis, prognosticate
Lecher – lechier – libidinous, lascivious, lubricious, licentious, pruritis
Hypochondriac – hypos, chondros – hypodermic, hypotension

Flatter your friends

Convivial – vivo, vita – vivacious, vivid, vivisection, viviparous, oviparous, vital, joie de vivre, ennui, bon vivant, gourmand, gourmet, glutton
Indefatigable –-
Ingenuous - - naïve, gullible, (credo)credulous, incredible, creed, credence, ingenious, disingenuous
Perspicacious – specto, acuo – retrospect, acumen, perspecacious, prospect, introspect, circumspect, specious, (punctus)acupuncture, puctilious, pungent
Magnanimous – animus – unanimous, equanimity, animosity
Versatile --
Stoical – stoa - stoicism
Intrepid – trepido – trepidation,
Scintillating – scintilla -
Urbane – urbs – subarbia, interurban, exurb -X- rurs – rustic, rusticate


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had updated this post last night.

Everyone, please take the test, and get ready for the 3rd section. Just 2 more weeks to go...

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or may be less than 2 weeks, coz the 47th session is probably a test(Somehow missing from my book).

That leaves 39-46, 8 sessions!


11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah wah... wah wah!!!

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah wah kis liye?

Mere sessions summary ke liye ya fir thode se bache hue sessions ke liye? I suspect the former, of course.

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha... ha ha...
Illusions my friend... illusions...
Forgive me for being HK... but I'm delirious...

12:34 AM  

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