Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Session 42

The words to look out for in the session...

1. Complete exhaustion: It is not work or effort that causes fatigue, but boredom, frustation, etc. to enervate - To feel mental, physical and nervous fatigue.

2. Tongue-lashing: Take this case... Errant drivers lash out at the prosecuting police officer with all the verbal vituperation welling up in them due to self anger.
castigate - v. censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"

3. Altruistic:
to self-abnegate- v. deny or renounce; "They abnegated their gods"

4. Repetition - When one restates the key ideas, the main thoughts, he/ she is recapitulating.

5. No joie de vivre: Surely this is one situation, I dont wish to see anyone of us in or for that matter all others.
To vegetate - No change, monotony, sameness, no progress in any department of life.

6. Pretence:
To simulate - to pretend rapt attention, nodding wisely at what you hope are the right moments.
7. To intimate - To hint...
No unequivocal commitments, no clear-cut promises, only slight & oblique mention of possibilities.

8. Helpful - As in the case of a pain killer.
To alleviate - to relieve someone of pain.

9. When the bell tolls
to commiserate.

10. to vacillate:
v. be undecided about something

Additional words...
• ministration
n. assistance in time of difficulty; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims"

• joie de vivre
joie de vivre, happiness of life, joy of living

Keep Walking...


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