Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Session 39

Hi all,

This is just an introductory session to the last section

People forced to pursue an existence devoid of luxuries as radios, TVs, cars, Jacuzzi etc but also lacking on basic necessities such as Food, sheltered home, hot waterr, decent clothing etc.

Such people live in 'penury'

These people want love, if they dont get it , they often satisfy their emotional needa and get their feelings secondhand by reading love stories, watching soap operas, attending films..

These are 'vicarious' feeelings

For a short time, Short skirts were in rage, soon thgey vanished fron the sceneAnything that lasts for a short time and leaves no trace is 'ephemeral'

Words having to do with sex, death, certain portions of the anatomy, excretion etc are avoided by certain poeple These people prefer circumlocutions- words that talk around that idea or that mean or imply something but dont come out and say so directly

die -> pass away, expire, depart this lifesexual intercourse -> intimate relations, intimacy
toilet -> powder room, little girls' room, facilities, washroom

The words on the irght hand side are 'euphemisms'

Light, playful talk; banter.

E.g. : Ken was determined to put the cares of the world behind him and do what he loved best -- having a few celebrity friends round and enjoying an evening of anecdote and badinage over a bottle or two of vintage bubbly and some tasty cheese straws.


You all have seen acow chewing cud....Nothing seemd capable of distrubing this animal and the animal seems to want nothing more out of life than to leave a simple, vegetable existence
Some people are like that : calm, patient, placid, phlegmatic, vegetable -like

They are 'Bovine'

Do you sometimes experience a keen, almost physical longing for associations or places of the past ....
When you pass the neighbourhood where u were born and where you spent your early years , do you have a sharp, strange reaction almost akin ti mild nausea ?

This feeling is called 'nostalgia'

Blaring, ear-splitting, or spine-tingling sounds are called 'Cacophonous'

Animals entirely on flesh -> 'Carnivorous'

They are certain things most of us do in private, like taking a bath.
Some people like to engage in other activities in complete privacy.
The point is that, while these activities may be conducted in privacy, there is never a reason for keeping them secret.

Arrangements, activities or meetings that fall under this category are called: 'clandestine'

C ya around


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