Friday, August 04, 2006

Session 43 goes

nervus -> latin -> nerve
e-(ex- out) + nervus -> enervate
When u are enervated, it feels as if your nerves have been ripped if every ounce of energy has been sapped out

Energy seems like a related word to enervate but it is entirely the opposite
Energy = en-(Greek, in) + ergon(work)
Erg is a term used in physics for a unit of work or energy

Synergism -> syn (together or with) + ergon -> the process by which 2 or more substances or drugs, by working together produce a greater effect than sum of individiual 2 .

Synergy is an alternate form of synergism

Castigate -> latin word for punish
Present day usage -> verbal punishment, usually harsh and severe.

Synonymous with Scold, criticise, rebuke, censure, reprimand, or berate

Abnegate -> ab- (Latin->away) + nego [(neg {Latin->no, not)} + aio(I say)]

Meaning -> Self denial

To negate, is to deny the truth or existence of....

Caput (Latin -> Head)
The captain is the head of any group
The capital is the head city of a state or nation

Decapitate -> to chop off someone's head

Capitulum (Latin-> little head or by extension the haeding of a chapter)
When we recapitulate, we go through the headings again
when you capitulate, we arrange in headings or as the meaning really evelved, you arrange conditions of surrender
An army capitulates to the enemy forces under prearranged conditions, or stop resisting and give up
He realised there was no point in resisting, so he reluctantly capitulated

Vegeto (Latin -> to live and grow) which is what vegetables dobut thats all they do ..
so to vegetate, is by implication, to do no more than stay alive, stuck in a rut, leading an inactive, unstimulating, emotionally and intellectually stagnant existence.

Vegetatation -> dull passive existence

C ya around


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